Natalie McManus, founder and owner of Professionally Speaking, is:
a Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist
a Designated Linklater Voice Instructor
a Certified Forensics (Speech) Coach
an Actor
….with over 30 years of experience. Natalie will work with you on the physical/vocal aspects of public speaking; the use of visual aids; and other techniques for enhancing any presentation. She will help you present yourself in a more professional manner in order to improve your ability to make career advancements. Actors and Professionals will improve their voice/speech skills, to help avoid or alleviate vocal damage.

Work focuses on voice and speech through relaxation, physical awareness, proper alignment, breathing, resonance and articulation. Vocal health issues are addressed. Work on public speaking skills includes work on phrasing, rate of speech, emphasis, vocal variation, organization, focus, use of visual materials, and body language/gesturing.